**Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

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Messaggi: 9647
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 21:58
Città: Lecce

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da -CabaretVoltaire- »


no davvero non ha senso.

Messaggi: 54
Iscritto il: 24/12/2010, 15:22
Città: Torino

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da Pozz4ever »

in parte può ricordare il modo in cui erano saltati fuori i They originali, ma lì il pestaggio di Hardy non avvenne mai, qua effettivamente si è visto Crimson aggredire AJ. è una scelta assolutamente insensata, penso dovuta a un cambio di rotta visto il pacco tirato dai membri originali della stable.
poi che tutti prevedessimo il fatto che la fourtune prima o poi si sarebbe scontrata con gli immortal ci sta, ma al momento attuale e con questa storyline no...

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Messaggi: 756
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 0:55

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da redhotraf91 »

A questo punto riconosco che la dirigenza della TNA è veramente stupida. Cazzo, vuoi riproporre la MEM, crei ad Impact l'hype per il ritorno della stable senza avere la sicurezza di avere a disposizione gli altri wrestler della suddetta stable....

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Messaggi: 1667
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 21:50

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da mark194 »

Dalla board:
Mr. Anderson è nel ring e chiama Jeff Hardy per un confronto verbale. I due tra una minaccia e l’altra parlano delle loro carriere e dei tempi in cui erano entrambi nella WWE con Vince McMahon a controllare interamente le loro vite. Alla fine Anderson e Hardy si stringono la mano.
Ma perchè continuano a nominare la WWE?

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Messaggi: 756
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 0:55

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da redhotraf91 »

mark194 ha scritto: Ma perchè continuano a nominare la WWE?
Perché ignorarla?

Messaggi: 3646
Iscritto il: 08/10/2010, 5:23

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da E.Ganzerli »

redhotraf91 ha scritto:A questo punto riconosco che la dirigenza della TNA è veramente stupida. Cazzo, vuoi riproporre la MEM, crei ad Impact l'hype per il ritorno della stable senza avere la sicurezza di avere a disposizione gli altri wrestler della suddetta stable....
"Dettagli trascurabili" :D

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Messaggi: 363
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 23:14
Città: Roma

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da _Jerichodeipoveri_ »

Letto i tapings... in Tna hanno perso la bussola, evidentemente gli son saltati i piani per la MEM e invece di ragionare e proporre un'evoluzione normale della cosa anche senza quei membri, hanno sbroccato proponendo ora una storyline che tutti sapevamo sarebbe successa, ma perchè ora? perchè sovrapporla a un'altra? di fatto dimezzando l'impatto di entrambe? bah

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The Phenom 80
Messaggi: 9621
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 13:36

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da The Phenom 80 »

il motivo di tutto ciò stà in questta telefontata intercettata domenica sera tra Bischoff & Border

"Allora Steve domani registriamo i taping di giovedi in cui torni e ti unisci a Angle & Steiner eriformando la MEM, basta che firmi il riinovo come d'accordo"
"Ehm, Eric, c'è un cambio di programma, ho firmato per la WWE, il 21 esordisco a Raw, già domani manderanno il primo promo"
"ma porca putt........."


Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da Mister »

The Phenom 80 ha scritto:il motivo di tutto ciò stà in questta telefontata intercettata domenica sera tra Bischoff & Border

"Allora Steve domani registriamo i taping di giovedi in cui torni e ti unisci a Angle & Steiner eriformando la MEM, basta che firmi il riinovo come d'accordo"
"Ehm, Eric, c'è un cambio di programma, ho firmato per la WWE, il 21 esordisco a Raw, già domani manderanno il primo promo"
"ma porca putt........."
Le matte risate.

Punk Addicted

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da Punk Addicted »

Non ha davvero un cazzo di senso ma vabe...la cosa buona puo essere che finalmente rilanciano Aj


Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da crybaby »

ma che significa questa cosa? xD si è passati da una dozzina di immortal/fortune contro 2-3 face ad una situazione con fortune + tutti i face contro quel che rimane degli immortal..

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Backbone Crusher
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Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 8:56
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Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da Backbone Crusher »

Non c'ho capito una sega: c'è stato un doppio turn di Hardy e Anderson, oppure solo i Fortune sono turnati face? Illuminatemi.

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The Prince of Punk
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Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 8:58
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Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da The Prince of Punk »

TNA Wrestling taped next week's Impact tonight from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando correspondent Tim Capture providing us with text-message updates. Below are full results:

Dark Match:

* Robbie E. w/Cookie & Josh Daniels vs. Jay Lethal & Justin Star. I recognize Justin Star as a guy from FCW who I saw as a referee. Winners via top rope elbow drop from Lethal to Daniels, Jay Lethal & Justin Star.

TNA Impact (Airing February 10th on Spike TV):

* Impact starts with Immortal (everybody including Jeff and Karen Jarrett) coming to the ring. Gunner and Murphy aren't in security shirts. Eric Bischoff says if anybody thinks Immortal is going to take a step back, it's not going to happen. That's because he's Eric Bischoff. For the last 15 years he's been doing nothing but building stars, building companies and changing the face of wrestling. They don't give a d--- about Fortune. He brought them in as a favor to Ric Flair. He smack talks each member of Fortune and dismisses their abilities. Jarrett gets on the mic and demands Fortune come out.

* Fortune comes out on the ramp. Jeff Jarrett says "hey boys, come in the ring and talk to us like men." Fortune gets in the ring. Jarrett apologizes to Bischoff for what happened last week. Nine years ago he gave these ungrateful SOBs a chance to make it. This is how they repay him. Jarrett runs down Fortune and starts degrading James Storm. Storm grabs the mic and says they built this company. They're the heart and soul of TNA. Then they walk in and see how it is now, filled with washed up has-beens. They could have left and made more money but they stayed and tried to build things up. Robert Roode says after all the years of going up and down the road he made a real friendship with Jeff Jarrett. When things were bad for him he was a shoulder to cry on. Roode said not to worry because the cream rises to the top and now they've risen to the top. If he doesn't like it then do something about it. Immortal attacks Fortune. Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner and Crimson run down and help clear the ring.

* Backstage, Winter and Velvet Sky are yelling at each other and fighting. Angelina Love breaks them up and says they need to get along. She says since it never happens they'll do formal introductions. She introduces the two to each other and says if they don't get on the same page tonight they'll get killed.

* In Eric Bischoff's office, Eric is talking to Hernandez. Bischoff says he and Hulk Hogan always saw Hernandez as a big talent. He went to Mexico and became a bigger star. Now it's time for him to hit the big time and join Immortal. All he has to do once in a while is hurt people. Hernandez says you got it Jeff. They pound it out and Bischoff is happy.

* Tables match, Bully Ray, Matt Hardy & "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero vs. Rob Van Dam, Samoa Joe & Brother Devon. The Asian guy from yesterday chased Pope off with Joe following again. Happened as soon as the match started. Winner after Devon's sons held Bully Ray and Devon shoulder blocked Ray off the apron through a table, Brother Devon, RVD & Samoa Joe.

* Jeff and Karen Jarrett are renewing their vows on March 3rd.

* Jeff and Karen Jarrett come to the ring with a contract in hand and eight security guards. Karen says a lot of fans ask about having good relationships when you're on the road so much. She says it must be hard for Kurt to see how she and Jeff can keep such a good one while Kurt is growing farther from his children. Kurt Angle comes to the ring. Karen says Kurt needs to learn to get along with Daddy Jeff and Mommy Karen. Kurt says just give me the d--- paper and let's get this over with. Jeff says hang on. At Genesis he had to make an example out of Kurt and destroy him. Now he has nothing left to prove so he'll up the ante. If Kurt beats him at the PPV then Kurt gets sole custody of his kids. If Jeff wins, on March 3rd when they renew their vows, he wants Kurt to walk Karen down the aisle and give her away. What do you say? Both sign the contract and Jeff says March 3rd will be a magical night. March 3rd is live from Fayetteville.

* Backstage Sarita is getting ready and yells for Rosita to get ready. Madison Rayne and Tara walk in and ask what's going on with Rosita? Sarita says her cousin is almost ready and will be ready to go.

* Sarita, Rosita (Divina Fly), Madison Rayne & Tara vs. The Beautiful People, Winter & Mickie James. Winter kept interfering with the Beautiful People entrance, making Velvet angry. Winners via top rope moonsault from Rosita to Velvet Sky, Sarita, Rosita, Madison Rayne & Tara. Velvet had gotten distracted due to Winter which led to the finish.

* After the match, Mickie James says she's tired of Madison Rayne attacking her from behind time and time again. Get in the ring now. Madison gets in the ring. Madison says what, are you going to tell me all the things you're going to do to me? She's been doing that since she joined TNA and Madison is still here. Madison says Mickie came here for one reason: to wrestle the top female wrestler in the top female promotion in the year. So you've talked the talk, now it's time to walk the walk. She'll see her at Against All Odds.

* Backstage, Kurt Angle talks to Beer Money. He says he knows they have a match with Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy. He doesn't care about Hardy. But he wants them to rip Jarrett's head off. He wants them to beat the h--- out of them. If it was him he'd beat him from pillar to post. Roode asks him what if it was him? How about Roode steps aside and let's Angle take his place? He did Fortune a favor and this week he can return it. Angle says thank you and smiles.

* For the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson. Before the match starts, Jeff Hardy comes to the ring with a ladder. He sets it up outside the ring and sits on top of it during the match. The referee got bumped during the match. Hernandez ran down and attacked Morgan. He threw Morgan into the ring post and rolled him into the ring. Anderson covered him and the referee came to count the three. After the match, Anderson celebrated but Hernandez attacked him too and took him down. Hardy hits a Swanton Bomb and poses with the world title. Hernandez is finally getting payback for Morgan taking him out.

* Triple threat contenders match, Brian Kendrick vs. Robbie E w/Cookie vs. Suicide. Winner after stealing the pin from Suicide after the Suicide Machine, Robbie E.

* Jeff Hardy & Jeff Jarrett w/Karen vs. Kurt Angle & AJ Styles. Winners via slop drop from AJ Styles to Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles & Kurt Angle. After the match, Jarrett and Hardy attacked Angle and AJ. Jarrett hit two Strokes and Hardy hit a Twist of Hate. They continued beating them until Fortune, Crimson and Scott Steiner ran out for the save. Immortal ran down and started beating everybody down. Rob Van Dam then runs out and starts taking out Immortal members. Immortal were able to take back over and started beat downs again. Mr. Anderson finally runs down and delivers multiple Mic Checks to Immortal to clear the ring.

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SuperCruel IV
Messaggi: 132
Iscritto il: 02/02/2011, 1:44

Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da SuperCruel IV »

questa faccenda dei nuovi "they" mi lascia basito. il fortune? ma come...


Re: **Topic Ufficiale** - TNA Tapings(continuativo)

Messaggio da Hickem »

Cos'è sta merda?
